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For more questions or Inquiries about our Health Insurance you can call us at +1(403) 870-6059 or send us an E-mail ([email protected]) (we reply within 24 hours)
Tax efficient health planning strategies: Is your family's health worth an additional $50 per year? If you can spare an additional $50 a year to put toward your family's health, you can potentially afford an individual health plan. This is because if you are self-employed, your premiums may be tax deductible. Heres an example... Approximate cost per year, for a family of three $1,400 Tax savings at a 32.5 percent marginal tax rate (455) Net plan cost (including tax savings) $945 *If your marginal tax rate is higher you gain an even greater tax savings* Saved annual expenses (these are conservative estimates!) Dental check-ups and cleanings (two adults and one child) $455 Fillings and dental work $200 Eye exam and glasses $140 Prescription drugs $100 Total expenses $895 Net plan cost $50 *including tax savings and existing expenses *Now consider the "what-ifs"....such as a root canal or chipped tooth, an ambulance ride, a hospital stay, or an unexpected medical condition, and you come out way ahead!
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