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For more questions or Inquiries about our Critical Illness Insureline Platinum Services you can call us at +1(403) 870-6059 or send us an E-mail ([email protected]) (we reply within 24 hours)
Critical illness Insureline Platinum with return of premium options so you pay into these plans for 15 years and if you don’t suffer a covered critical illness such as a heart attack, cancer, or stroke among other conditions you get back 100% of your premiums after 15 years.
Almost everybody knows someone who has been stricken with a critical illness, such as a heart attack, cancer, or stroke. Apart from the tremendous emotional and physical impact, there can also be a significant financial strain on the individual, family, or business. That is why I strongly recommend looking into critical illness insurance to provide for a one-time, lump-sum benefit to cover any costs associated with a critical illness.
Even if you already have medical or disability insurance, critical illness insurance is worth considering because the benefit may be used for any need such as special equipment or treatments, private nursing, domestic help, education or retraining, or to make business or personal loan payments. Today, more people are surviving critical illnesses and as medical technology and treatment advance, this trend can only continue. Unless individuals have substantial savings, they may not be prepared for any costly, follow-up care
-One in two men and one in three women aged 40 and under will develop coronary heart disease. -One in three Canadians will develop cancer. -Each year, between 40,000 and 50,000 Canadians suffer a stroke. -More than 50,000 Canadians have Multiple Sclerosis.
How does critical illness insurance work? If a policyholder is treated for or diagnosed with a critical illness, the benefit is paid after a survival period (usually 30 days after treatment or written diagnosis). The money can be used to secure timely medical treatment, pay debts modify a home, take a recovery vacation, or hire additional staff to run a business. Benefits range between $10,000 and $1,000,000 and plans can be tailored to your specific needs, whether you are a professional, business owner, employee, part-time or seasonal worker, homemaker or a university student. Sources: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, 1999; Canadian Cancer Society, 1999; Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada.
In order to offer the broadest selection of products and services for our clients, we have contracts with a wide range of highly rated companies including :
RBC Insurance, Empire Life, Desjardins Financial, Equitable Life, BMO Insurance, Wawanesa Life, SSQ Financial, Foresters Life, Manulife Financial, Industrial Alliance, Great West Life, Canada Life, Ivari, Western Life, Sun Life, Canada Protection Plan, Edge Benefits, Humania, Assumption Life, Combined Insurance Company, Allianz Global Assistance, Alberta Blue Cross, Green Shield Canada, Custom Care, Hub Financial, PPI Solutions.
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