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For more questions or Inquiries about our Life Insurance Services you can call us at +1(403) 870-6059 or send us an E-mail ([email protected]) (we reply within 24 hours)
Risk Management for death is not just to purchase some amount of life insurance that is affordable, but rather to look into all of the needs of capital required to support the deceased's financial dependents.
Risk Management for death can take the form of many different products including: term life insurance, permanent life insurance, term-to-100, and universal life policies.
Mortgage Protection is certainly an important component to a Family’s Security and understanding the options available to you is something not to be taken lightly. Mortgage Insurance, also known as reducing term insurance, simply “pays off” the outstanding amount of debt at the death of an insured individual. Premiums are determined by the age and sex of those to be insured and the cost will usually remain the same or increase over the duration of the mortgage although the coverage is reducing. Basically, if a death occurs the mortgage debt is covered, nothing more, nothing less.
A reasonable alternative is an individually owned, level coverage insurance policy which has both a level death benefit and level premium amount. The premium for owning your personal (level coverage) plan is often similar or less in cost, yet if a death does occur the outstanding mortgage can be cleared and the difference (between the mortgage amount and the insured amount) is left over for your spouse or beneficiary.
In order to offer the broadest selection of products and services for our clients, we have contracts with a wide range of highly rated companies including :RBC Insurance, Empire Life, Desjardins Financial, Equitable Life, BMO Insurance, Wawanesa Life, SSQ Financial, Foresters Life, Manulife Financial, Industrial Alliance, Great West Life, Canada Life, Ivari, Western Life, Sun Life, Canada Protection Plan, Edge Benefits, Humania, Assumption Life, Combined Insurance Company, Allianz Global Assistance, Alberta Blue Cross, Green Shield Canada, Custom Care, Hub Financial, PPI Solutions.
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